Here's What You'll Learn On This Free Webinar:

 Make education a priority-and allocate time and resources accordingly

 Recognize that the world has changed-while our education system hasn't. 

Today's knowledge economy requires that parents do more to help their kids succeed.

 Learn how Career Readiness Education offers a real head start to a high paying career.

 All this and much more...

How your teen can
get career certification
BEFORE leaving
high school
Limited Spaces Available
+ Plus, You'll Receive our Guide "6 Ways to Prepare Teens for the Post-Coronavirus Job Market" 
What You Will Learn In This Event:
The Current State of Education
• Only 5 of 18 compulsory high school credits are STEM-based.
• Fewer than 20% of students take critical grade 12 math and science courses required for STEM-based degrees.
• 77% of post-university jobs are STEM-related. This number is growing. Despite that, only 2% of students enroll in STEM programs in University.
• In 2016 only 75 Computer Science Teachers graduated from university
The Current State of
• Millions of jobs that existed for previous generations have been lost to automation, downsizing and globalization.
• 45% of current jobs are in danger of being replaced by technology.
• 50% of current jobs won’t exist by 2025.
The New Way of Preparing for a Career
•Self-paced learning with customized lesson plans
•24-hour access to the best available content
•Leading-edge education at a fraction of the cost

Meet Your Host

Jeff has worked with students around the world for close to 20 years.
He is passionate about empowering students through education. He is the founder of Level UP Kids, and Skill Samurai.
Jeff lives on the East Coast of Canada, with his wife, and three children.

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